Last June 17th, we had our AGM and an EGM, which was attended by 16 members in person, and 3 represented by proxy.
Our chairmen, Peter Munro and Jan Könighaus reported on another successful year full of activities, and on the society’s finances. Please find the 2023 Chairman’s Report below.
Despite the many events, the society’s finances are in very good shape, with funds at the same level as last year. Our honorary auditor gave an unqualified favorable opinion on the accounts. The accounts were then unanimously approved, and the honorary auditor and Committee were unanimously discharged.

After a brief discussion on the budget (no membership fee increase this year nor in the foreseeable future), we elected the Committee for 2024, which includes three new members (Katia Volodine, Linda Chirila, and Sam Vinandy-Lau) and one returning member, David Clark. The committee said goodbye to recently married Lidiya Cherneva, who contributed tremendously to the committee and the OUSL. We look forward to to seeing her at future events.
The EGM was held to amend the articles of association of our society, so as to better adapt ourselves to modern times. As the necessary quorum to amend the articles of association (two thirds of all members) was not met, a second EGM will be convened where quorum will be reduced to the number of attending members. Members will shortly receive, by mail, an invitation for this EGM. If all goes well, this will be the final ‘snail-mail’ invitation, so that future communication with our members can take place via e-mail.
After the AGM and EGM, we enjoyed drinks, canapés, and a “cheese tasting quiz”, which challenged our members to identify four national cheeses in a blind tasting test.