
The OUSL is open to anyone who has studied at Oxford University.
To become a member, please contact us using the below membership form.
The annual subscription is €35, payable to the Society’s bank account at:
BCEELULL IBAN LU21 0019 1755 3010 3000.
The subscription is for calendar years. If you join us after October 1st, your membership will be extended until the end of the following year.

Payment by Standing Order

It would be very helpful if members could set up a standing order to pay their annual subscriptions. This would save them the trouble of making a separate transfer every year, and the OUSL the cost and trouble of reminding members about the subscription each year. For those with an internet banking service this can usually be done on-line. The details needed are:

  • Creditor: Oxford University Society of Luxembourg
  • Creditor’s bank BIC: BCEELULL
  • Creditor’s IBAN: LU21 0019 1755 3010 3000
  • Amount: €35
  • Frequency: annual
  • Payment: January
  • Communication: OUSL membership.

Alumni Networks

The Oxford University Society has an alumni network comprised of over 150 individual groups around the world, of which OUSL is one.
The University Alumni Website carries news of many different events and activities.