One of the highlights of the year was the annual Cricket-Picnic-Pimms-BBQ-Croquet event (for lack of a better name) together with the Cambridge Society at the Schuman Farm and Oval. The event was once again a great success.
Our host-criquet coach Adrian Wykes had invited the Trois Frontières Cricket Team, to teach and coach Oxford and Cambridge participants and the tricks and rules of the game of wickets, stumps, runs and overs.
Similar to last year, the Pimms was prepared by Apricot Wilson, the BBQ by Steve Brabbs, and Fanny Dedenbach set up the croquet course. We thank them for once again making the event a very enjoyable get-together.
The feedback from the Oxonians left your webmaster regretting that he could not make it this year, courtesy of Covid, and looking forward to the 2023 edition.
A fuller account of the event can be found on the website of our friends from the Cambridge Society: